The Pretty Reckless is an American alternative rock band, currently formed by Taylor Momsen (vocalist and really beautiful), Ben Phillips (guitar), Mark Damon (bass) and Jamie Perkins (drums). We got to know the band through the song "Make Me Wanna Die" and we were lucky enough to hear their most recent album until then "Going To Hell". Anyway, our favorite album was Light Me Up.
I remember that we were 16-17 years old and it was our first concert as friends. There were a lot of people and we were all very close together and very sweaty. The good thing about the concert is that we jumped, screamed, sang and laughed a lot; it's really nice to be able to enjoy shared tastes with friends.
We will meet you soon! :)
Hi Milla, I don't know the group, I've never heard of her jajaja but apparently her concert was great, I hope you can enjoy many more jajja I send u hug <3
sounds like a great time!!