Hello everyone! Welcome to the last blog. Today I will talk about my experience learning English at university.
To be honesty, i do not have a good relationship with english but this semester (maybe because is face to face) I feel that I have made great progress. The activities of listening, writing, reading an speaking have helped me to practice and to improve my english. The use of blogs has been a challenge because the use of translator is prohibited and I am used to use it.
I think that I have to work in all aspects of my English, but especially in speech. Although I think it's difficult because I have no way to practice my English outside of class. I think a good technique would be to watch movies with subtitles and repeat what I am hearing, or read things aloud in English. Anyway, English is waiting for me again in the next semester (the last one at last!).
I would like to highlight the vocation of our teacher, he is a great teacher! I am thankful because I never felt judged or "less" for not handling English so well, and because his help motivated me a lot to try it.
Outside the English class I don't use English very much. Sometimes when I watch movies or series, I use subtitles, but many times I do more than one thing at a time and I can not pay full attention to the dialogues.
Thank you very much Teacher!
Bye :).